Greg Palast

Greg Palast is an investigative reporter, whose stories appear on BBC Television, The Guardian, Al Jazeera and Rolling Stone. You can read/watch his reports at He is the author of the NY Times bestsellers The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, Armed Madhouse, and the highly acclaimed Vultures’ Picnic. You can stream his new film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman — introduced by Martin Sheen and narrated by Rosario Dawson — for a limited time at:

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Friday Sep 02, 2016

If you believe the Republican hysteria machine, there’s an unprecedented election crime wave sweeping America involving a staggering 7.2 million suspected double voters. Thousands of these supposed criminals — who, if found guilty, have committed a felony punishable by 5-years in the slammer — have already lost their right to vote, with 41,000 people in Virginia alone being struck off voter roles. Statistical analysis of the evidence uncovered by investigative reporter Greg Palast shows that one million Americans may lose their vote by November. It also shows that a high proportion of these black, white, and brown voters have one thing in common: they tend to vote blue. In this week’s Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Election Crimes Bulletin, Palast gives Flashpoints’ Dennis J. Bernstein the skinny on this election crime wave, which in reality is little more than a GOP-generated racist sham designed to filter the blue out of the votes at the polls.

Friday Aug 26, 2016

Episode 16 - With Trump being an unpredictable wild card in this year’s election race, his cabal of new billionaire hedge fund buddies are hedging their bets by buying Congress and the Senate, so no matter which blonde gets into office, they can be sure that their interests are taken care of. To do this, in some key swing states, they’re spending millions betting against a Trump White House. In this week’s Best Democracy Money Can Buy: Election Crimes Bulletin, Flashpoints’ Dennis J. Bernstein and investigative reporter Greg Palast discuss the special needs of these mega-rich vote-manipulating vultures and the specifics of what they hope to get in return for their election-rigging investments.

Monday Aug 15, 2016

Trump is a loaded weapon let loose on this election, and now he's backed by 13 people he once called "losers." Let's take a look at who these guys are and just what they've in mind for this election, shall we?
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.

Monday Aug 15, 2016

This week, we discuss Trump and his claims of voter fraud, as touted in his assertions that "in [his] opinion we have people who are voting many, many times."
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.

Monday Jul 25, 2016

Stop us if you've heard this before, but 10 nuns walk into a voting booth... let's dig a little into who Mike Pence is, and what that means for these nuns.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2016

Sometimes advice comes from the most unlikely places - taking cues from Pat Robertson, it's time to look past the moment of the Democratic nomination to the movement that Sanders has started.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.

Friday Jul 08, 2016

Looks like Hillary Clinton has dodged the FBI investigation into her misuse of her personal email server, all thanks to learning how to slip out of grasp from her history with some rather "oily" characters in Kazakhstan.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.

Friday Jun 24, 2016

With the national convention and the road to presidency ahead, many people are asking if Trump can span those last few inches, financially, to win the election. That mainly depends on who he has backing him - enter billionaire bandit John Paulson, the foreclosure king.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016

The Associated Press has declared the CA Primary over with a "crushing victory" for Hillary Clinton and 96% of votes counted... but just how is that possible with hundreds of thousands of provisional and mail-in ballots are still unprocessed? It's time to go back to the scene of the crime to see what we, as voters, can do.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.
For the full episode of Flashpoints, please visit:

Tuesday Jun 07, 2016

During this special Election Crimes Bulletin, Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein discuss what to do to make sure the NPP vote is heard during the California Democratic Primary. Bruce Carter of Black Men for Bernie and Paul Thomas of Election Justice USA weigh in.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.



Greg Palast is an investigative reporter, whose stories appear on BBC Television, The Guardian, Al Jazeera and Rolling Stone. You can read/watch his reports at He is the author of the NY Times bestsellers The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, Armed Madhouse, and the highly acclaimed Vultures' Picnic. His full-length feature, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, was released in 2016. His new film, Vigilantes: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitmen—from Academy Award winning producer Maria Florio and executive producer Martin Sheen—will be released Fall 2022.

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