Greg Palast
Greg Palast is an investigative reporter, whose stories appear on BBC Television, The Guardian, Al Jazeera and Rolling Stone. You can read/watch his reports at He is the author of the NY Times bestsellers The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, Armed Madhouse, and the highly acclaimed Vultures’ Picnic. You can stream his new film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman — introduced by Martin Sheen and narrated by Rosario Dawson — for a limited time at:
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein discuss Hillary's history as a Manchurian Candidate and the select secret deals the Clintons have struck with the Republican Party.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.
Thursday May 26, 2016
Thursday May 26, 2016
Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein reveal how California poll workers have been told to give all independent voters "provisional" ballots if they want to vote in Democratic Party. That’s illegal — and to insure that Sanders voter’s ballots end up in the garbage, uncounted.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
Don’t go postal with your vote: 488,000 mail-in ballots end up in the dumpster. Investigative reporter Greg Palast lays out the ugly facts to Dennis Bernstein in the latest installment of, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy —the Election Crime Report."
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.
Saturday May 21, 2016
Saturday May 21, 2016
Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein delve into the Hysteria Machine with movie star and Voto Latino spokeswoman Rosario Dawson, who was at UCLA this week with Greg Palast and other media experts for The Urgency of Now panel.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein expose Donald Trump’s go-to operative who would steal your vote — by accusing you of not being an American. The Vote Rustler of the Week: Kris Kobach, Trump's man behind SB 1070, the "Driving While Brown" law.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Greg Palast tells Dennis Bernstein about the myriad ways by which you can lose your vote and give useful tips on how you can protect your vote.
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a weekly election crimes bulletin that airs on KPFA on Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein. Tune in or subscribe for the latest information on how this election is being stolen, and what you can do to stop the theft.